Common Name: Baltimore Oriole
Scientific Name: Icterus galbuba.
Family: Blackbird.
Length: 8-3/4 inches.
Wingspan: 11-1/2 inches.
Distinctive Markings: Male has full black hood and fire-orange plumage. Female is drab yellow with dusky-brown wings.
Nest: Woven bag-like structure.
Song: Short series of clear whistles in varied pattern.
Habitat: Deciduous woodlands, parks and suburbs.
Diet: Mostly insects and berries.
Backyard Favorites: Comes to feeding stations for sugar water, halved oranges nailed to posts and grape jelly.
Excellent blog. Very educational. I learn something every time I come on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI like to see orioles swoop down and scare the squirrels at Lyons Park Cheyenne
ReplyDeleteWyoming! The male has a very distinctive mating call for the female, I am trying to learn this song that he does, he's very good at it, but I think I can take the song to higher heights! Thank you Bro for this blog!
Thanks spag it! for the comment! Are you wanting to take the song to higher heigts to atract orioles or females?