Here are some interesting facts and ideas to think about, when planning to set out bird food in your yard, near your bird bath and to fill your bird feeders to feed and attract orioles.
Here are some things to keep in mind about Orioles.
ORIOLES migrate at night so they are tired, cold and hungry when they arrive in your neck of the woods.
If you wait until you see'em, you are "too late" to attract Orioles, in maximum numbers, to your yard.
Not so much wild bird seed but bird food like ORANGES are one of the "keys" to attracting Orioles. Cut oranges in half and provide them "juicy side out" for a refreshing snack for these beautiful birds.
You can also attract these wild birds up close by offering oriole feeder nectar, jelly and fruit on the feeders by the house and patio.
They love the bright orange feeders and they are inexpensive and slip right on any Smuckers (tm) or other 10-12 ounce jelly jars.
Many people feed jelly year-around, not only Orioles, but Woodpeckers, Robins, Warblers and others enjoy it.
Many people tell have said that they keep Orioles longer now that they feed grape jelly!!!!
Our favorite Oriole nectar feeders are Orioles Feeders. Why? Their wide mouths and flat tops, make 'em easy to fill and clean (base also comes apart easily to clean), and some have bee guards to make sure that Orioles - not bees - enjoy the nectar.
If you're worried about ants bothering your jelly or Oriole nectar, simply hang oriole feeders with clear nectar protector ant moats above them and fill with water.
This acts like a moat around a castle.
In case you already didn't know, ants can't swim, and for a few extra bucks you'll never have to mess with cleaning hem out of the feeder. These also work well with hummingbird feeders.
While it is often advised that it is good to mix their own humming bird nectar from sugar, some opinion is that commercial Oriole nectar will attract and hold more Orioles and other wildbirds at the feeder longer.
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